Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Newbies to PR...don't take it to heart

I was recently trying to create a PR opportunity by arranging for an editor of several local papers (who and which shall remain nameless) to visit a care home within their local area.

The aim of this was to create relationships within the media local to the area and give them an insight into what life in a care home is really like.

When enquiring what the news hook was for this visit I explained that it was really just to meet and greet…I was promptly replied to with an email that was rude, sarcastic and pretty disheartening…needless to say I will not be contacting this 'ruthless, hard-bitten and crucial story hunting' journalist again.

Glad I'm acquiring a thick skin all part of being a PR I hear...

1 comment:

Patrick said...

While you're right that developing a thick skin is important to PR ... so is persistence.

It may just be that you caught this hack on a bad day, on deadline, just as he had run out of coffee etc etc. So it may even be worth repackaging this idea and re-pitching it (can you find a news or features angle). But it is certainly worth pitching other stuff to them in the future - this may be the journalist that provides the 'winning' coverage for you in the future.

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